Monday, April 8, 2013

Until I happen past a mirror

It happens when I least expect it.

Everything will be going fine in my little heart and mind.  And then suddenly... some memory will surface - of a time in my life that made me sad, defeated, even distraught.

I was reminded of this last week.  It was a beautiful day and I had plans for the day to be filled with smiles.

Merrily on my way, I began my morning walk, thinking about how happy I am, excited to be thinking of the future, even singing songs of praise to God in my head. 

With no warning, the sidewalk on San Jose Boulevard jumped up and hit me - right in the face!

I got up and headed home.  Already I  could feel the goose egg to the left of my left eye.  I saw the blood on my little finger and I felt the pain in my ribs.


Tears ran down my cheeks as I lamented the fact that this might prohibit the day I had planned.  Okay the tears where also there because it hurt.  I'm just not one to admit the fact that I hurt.

Five days have passed.   I have a shiner. But I forget about it.  Until I happen past a mirror.

And that's how life is.

I'll be fine, walking through life, appreciating all the good things and suddenly some memory will raise its ugly head and I'll feel so very sad, defeated. 

One of the times this happens is when I am on this side of some wonderful experience and something will remind me of the pain I have suffered in one area or another.

So what do I do about this.  First thing is that I recognize it.  Then I make an effort to forget it (not always easy) and then I move on to the next project.  An easy thing to do?

No.  But I refer to scripture that I have known forever.  The Apostle Paul's words to the people Philippi are basically this - "forget what's in the past; look forward to what lies ahead,  Remember what your goals are - and that the prize has heavenly value (Philippians 4:13,14). 

I'll think about that this morning as I take a walk!

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