Thursday, September 20, 2012


September 20, 1964

48 years have passed.  Friendships have blossomed into love and hearts have been broken.

My heart.

48 years.

You would think that when I see the date, September 20, that I would just see it as a normal day.  None of my children or grandchildren were born on this day; no wedding anniversaries or any other special events - so why do I still get just a little twinge in my chest when I see that date?

Because it was on September 20, 1964 that I first began to understand how it feels to have a broken heart.

David Winkles was my high school sweetheart.  It was the beginning of our senior year.  As you might imagine, I was dreaming Homecoming, Senior Prom, Graduation . . . and on September 20, David Winkles broke up with me.

I did not think I would survive.  I cried and cried and finally my mother sent me to talk to our pastor's wife, Othella Elliott who told me the same thing my mother had been saying.  God had a reason, God had a plan.  Everything was going to be all right.

Obviously Mrs. Elliot and my mother were right.  I went on to marry a preacher boy and become a mother.  That marriage did not survive, but the children that came from that marriage have given me such joy!  I married again.  That marriage lasted only a short time because of Rich Suhey's death, but the effect he had on my life remains as one of my greatest blessings. God had a reason; God had a plan.

And now there is another man and he is good and kind and his desire is to serve the same God I have loved and served since I was a young girl.  Does God have a plan?  I mean a long-term plan?

Only God knows that answer.

However - if David Winkles had not broken up with me 48 years ago...then I would have missed ... so much.

Yep.  God has a plan!

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future' ". Jeremiah 29:11


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