Sunday, October 16, 2022

I love the Mandarin Cemetery

Now really.  Who loves a cemetery?

Well. . . 

For about 9 months I've had a part-time position at the Mandarin Cemetery.  When there is a funeral, I stand near the gate and welcome the mourners.  Welcome seems like an odd word, but I basically am there to provide some direction

Now  . . . I believe there has always been a Plan - God's Plan - to get me where I am.

When I was a teenager, I made a promise to serve God for the rest of my life.

That life has included many opportunities - ministry opportunities.

And the Mandarin Cemetery has become a place that I can minister

To be truthful it does include partnering with the man who has become my best friend, and I do get a little jingle for my wallet.  And of course, I get to enjoy the cemetery's beauty when I am there.

And somehow, I always seem to experience a sense of peace.

This was especially true for me as I knew my mother was soon going to Heaven. And in the months since that happened I have not only found peace but . . . 

There was a large funeral at the Mandarin Cemetery recently.  It required two tents, and 61 automobiles lined the dirt roads that led to the burial plot.

Clad in my orange vest, I greeted the mourners as they lowered the car windows with a puzzled look . . .

“Take the first right and you will be given further direction,” I sounded like a broken record.

People don’t usually stop to chat. 

And yet a woman alone in her vehicle stopped and asked, “Where am I supposed to park”? And then with tears in her eyes, she said "We are burying my mama".

I responded with “I get it.  I lost my mother a few months ago".  

"Really”, she said, and then "Can I give you a hug?"

I leaned into her car window, and she put her arms around me.

The funeral ended and as that woman left the cemetery, she said to me "I'll always remember you and your kindness to me today".

I smiled and she asked if she could give me another hug.  She then invited me to join her family for the after-funeral meal etc., and I politely refused.

With great excitement, I told my friend (the reason I have this ‘gig’) about what had transpired between the grieving daughter and me and he responded with just one word:


And that is why I love the Mandarin Cemetery

That and the fact that while I am there, I experience a great sense of peace.  When the time arrives for a funeral to begin, I close the gates.  My goal is to sit quietly and meditate.  It’s a very helpful part of my life. I would offer a similar opportunity to others.   

Our cemetery is a lovely place where you can enjoy Mandarin’s beauty.  Of course, it is a very still place.  But a five-minute drive or walk on the grounds can provide the surrounding that will help you experience a sense of peace.

You know me, I always want to share what I have with others.  That’s one reason I write this blog!

                                                May your life have enough sunshine, 

                                                To make you appreciate the shadows