Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A poor little widow woman

 Daddy was really good at needling.

If you are not sure what that means - he could take something that started as a bit of a joke or tease and when he saw that it was irritating, he could make it worse.

Now - I'm just stating a fact.  I promise I am not throwing the man so loved and appreciated by so many under the bus.

The words I've chosen as the topic for what I am writing are among those that always drove me crazy.  Especially when it came to my money or my being asked to make a financial contribution to some cause.  It seems he just loved to say

"Don't they know that you are a poor little widow woman?

Somehow I took them as criticism. I heard them as me somehow being a failure.

And yet -

I am a woman.  My husband died.  I am not tall.  And poor - well I don't have lots of money that's for sure.

However, as of late, I have found some ways to appreciate that statement

I facilitate Wonder Women's Bible study - it's a delightful time for study with some dear women.

I help with a Widows and Widowers social time each month.

Sometimes I get hand me downs from other small women

And I can always find a way to keep from being "poor".

As a part of my work for the Mandarin Museum & Historical Society, I was interviewing the President of the Board of the Mandarin Cemetery.

I was blown away by the way he told a story.

"You should write a book,"

"I've been told that before," he said, "But I wouldn't know where to start"

My answer was pretty quick.

 you find a little widow woman who knows how to write. . .

I haven't talked him into that yet, but a great friendship was born that day.

And the way I see it, that's one time I took daddy's needling and used it for my good.

I can just hear him - "I love it"