Friday, April 2, 2021

At the foot of the cross

Two friends and I were in a conversation with another friend about his health  We were encouraging him to follow the doctor's orders.  We both wanted him to be with us for a while.

With a smile, he responded: 

"That's all at the foot of the cross".

I was reminded of an old Gospel song

"Leave your heavy burdens at the cross"'

I'm just like everyone else.  I've had to leave heavy burdens at the cross again and again.

You'd think someone who has been a Christian since she  was six years old would have learned to do that 

Yeah right.

In the spring of 1971, I was experiencing a huge disappointment in life.  'talk about a burden.  With the help of my family and some very dear friends, I came to a point that I could leave those burdens at the cross.

Those same people have loved me and prayed for me through other times in my life that I felt a sense of sorrow, disillusionment, and even anger.

I have recently experienced one of those times that I finally left my burden at the foot of the cross.

Oh, I didn't go to our church where there's a beautiful cross on the riverbank and place a bag at the foot of the cross.

One of my dearest friends suggested that  I make a list of the reasons I was burdened.  It was a long list!  My next step was to place the list in an envelope and write:

 I Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care upon Him, for

 He cares for you:

I added these words from a Bill and Gloria song, Something Beautiful

"I wrapped it all in the rags of my life

 and laid it at the cross"

It's been a very freeing experience.  It took me way too long to get there. But I offer it as a suggestion for ANYONE who is feeling burdened by ANYTHING.

It seems a good thing to do on the day we remember and give thanks for what Good Friday is all about.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow
