Sunday, February 14, 2021

In your dreams


I had never dreamed of going to a Daytona 500.

But when Rich Suhey called me to say he had the opportunity to go and would I go with him - of course, I said yes.

I would have gone anywhere with him.  I was smitten.

I suppose one of the ways he must have known I loved him was that I not only went with him, I enjoyed the day.

All these years later I think of him on Daytona 500 Day.  He loved cars and knew so much about them. 

I remember the day of the 500 in 1999.  Rich had been gone just under three months.  I hurried home from church to be sure I saw the start of the race.  I wondered if somewhere somehow he would be watching the race from the skies.  

That was just a thought of early grief.  

I don't know if my television will even be on this afternoon when the 500 is aired.  I do know that the race is today and I of course remember how much he loved cars.

Hum - I guess one way I knew he loved me was that he wanted to share something that was special to him - with me!

And that's a nice thought on this Valentine's Day, 2021, when romantic love seems far away,

However, today I am creating a birthday card for my youngest granddaughter's 13th birthday.  This week I saw my mother a couple of times, rejoiced with a granddaughter who made a college tour that confirmed her decision to go to Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and had a visit with my son.  That's family love.

This week I have also done things I love - I taught the Wonder Women's Bible study after writing the lesson.  I participated in Kiwanis activities and spent some time at the museum where I welcomed a new volunteer, visited with several long time friends, and laughed with a new friend.  

To me - the way the week has gone is a sign that God loves me.  He provides so many wonderful opportunities for me.  And I am truly grateful and blessed.

So I was thinking - memories are great, romance is wonderful, life at 73 years old - it really ain't that bad.

However, if there is a nice man who would like to take me to the Daytona 500 - or for a ride or to dinner or a movie...I might just say yes.  

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow