Monday, April 27, 2020

Pieces of the puzzle

Sometimes I am asked - where do you get the inspiration for what you write?

Well, first a disclaimer.  Because I am a Christian, I truly believe that my inspiration comes from the Spirit of God Who dwells within me (Colossians 3:16).  Anyone who knows me well (especially my children, my siblings, and my closest friends) are more than aware that I don't always "act" like any Spirit of Any Higher Power dwells within me.  That said.

Sometimes it's nature.   This morning I'm listening to the quacking of the geese in the nearby streams and waterways and every now and then I see one neighborhood cats run across my backyard.  Note: Cats are not my favorite animal.

Sometimes it's what someone says or a devotional I read.  On this the 49th day of being safe at home, here are two offerings from different writers who had no way of knowing what we would be experiencing when they wrote and their words were published.

Heidi Gaul talked about how much she likes to read and if the story is suspenseful, she finds her pulse racing and often turns the page to the end of the book.  She likens that to her own life -- "Now as I face battles common to everyone, I've found peace in the knowledge that He has everything under control..." Psalm 139:16.  (Mornings With Jesus, April 27, 2020, published by Guideposts).

In a similar devotional (Strength with Grace, April 27, 2020, also published by Guideposts) the author not identified, I read "There is no quick solution, but let's commit to work toward the goal of relishing the simple things".

Amazing - to me anyway.  And of course, sometimes it's something that's happening with my family.

My son, Tray sent the photo on the left as his family put together a jigsaw puzzle. 
Barely a minute later, the one on the right arrived from daughter, Renee  

And not to be undone, I quickly opened a jigsaw puzzle, tossed the pieces on my dining room table and sent them a photo.

No words needed to come from them.  I knew - (and they knew)  I had hurriedly put my offering of a puzzle together - just to be a part of the fun!

This morning I took a look at the photo I sent them.  If I was going to put together this puzzle of one of my favorite places in Mandarin, I needed to be more organized.

I needed a board, not a tablecloth.  Hum.  No boards in my garage, maybe some poster board in the office.  No.

And then I had a thought.  I could make a "board" with some of those manila folders that are now empty since I reorganized files. 

So now I'm prepared to sit at my dining room table and work on the puzzle. And watch as I make it all fit.

Which brings me to my life right now -- Over the last few days as I have thought and prayed about the next part of my life - a part that will require less caregiving.  My mother is certainly not about to die, but I know she needs me less and less.  I've been wondering what am I going to do?  Shall I write more?  Is there something else I can do that is a service to others.

I think the parts of the puzzle of my life are going to come together.  Mainly because I am not putting them together, but I am hopefully allowing that Spirit of God that dwells within me to make it fit!

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow