Friday, February 14, 2020


If there's anything our mother endeavored to teach us it was to practice acceptance.

I googled the word and found these definitions:

Acceptance means to be in the embrace of what is without resistance and true acceptance is one of the most powerful and life-changing practices you can choose for your life journey".  

Until the middle of 2019 when our mother moved to a skilled nursing center, she often googled.  One of the things she hated most was that the move meant giving up her beloved laptop and access to the Internet.  

She would not, however, have found it necessary to google the word acceptance.  She knew what it meant, practiced it and made sure we did the same!

When I read some of the Facebook posts of my friends with dismay, no matter which side a person takes in the issue, I truly endeavor to practice what she taught us.

And that goes in many directions -- those who are more liberal or conservative, younger or older, a different color or do not share my faith -- 

Just because someone thinks, feels, believes or even looks different than me doesn't make them unworthy of my friendship.

Besides....those friends who are different from me - still value our friendship. 

I don't think any of them try to change me -- and I don't want to change them -

The key to true friendship is acceptance.  And on Valentine's Day, 2020 when we are thinking about LOVE -- I think a definition of that might also be ACCEPTANCE.

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadow