Monday, June 17, 2019

So many clothes

I really didn't have time to be sitting at my desk writing a blog.  And I actually wrote this three weeks ago.  I must include a disclaimer.  My mother's mental health has declined significantly over the past three weeks.  It could be a UTI - or it could be the results of vascular dementia.  Our family is in a state of trusting God and her physicians and caregivers.  At any rate, these are my words from Sunday, June 2.

My mother's winter clothes are piled on the bed in the guest room; her summer clothes are on my bed.

When we were getting her settled in the skilled nursing center she asked me a question:

"Am I going back to Brookdale?"

Of course, I had to say No - probably not.

And so she surprised me.

"Well, I think you should give away my winter clothes".

I was not impressed with that suggestion.

I told her we would just put them away until she needs them.

After a month of doing other things, it's now the time I've etched out to get all those clothes organized.

I told my children, "It's no wonder everyone compliments her on the way she dresses.  She has so many clothes to choose from".

They wasted no response in their reply

"Who bought them?"


As I have been sorting I've had a few special moments.

Our mother loved Autumn.  While she never was a huge Halloween person, she loved the clothes that Bonnie gave her that included jack o lanterns.  She loved Thanksgiving and has sweaters for that Holiday and of course, she loved Christmas - one thing I remembered though was that she was often guilty of taking the decorations down almost before we finished dessert that was a part of our Christmas celebration.

Pine Castle Gala 2006

She loved to "dress".  I remember that she always wanted something called "kolinskies", a fur collar that includes the feet of the slain animal - YUK.  She did have a couple of like fur jackets.  There are lots of jackets in her winter clothes including this one that she had carefully kept in a plastic cover. 

Now I can tell you I know that many have had to go through your mother's things after her passing and that must be so difficult.  I know that I am fortunate to finish this task and then go and visit my mother.

And I know that the best thing I can tell you is that our mother is a great representation of the Provers 31 Woman.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

No, she's not really laughing but she is accepting - that strong faith that she has practiced for many years is the mantra that hangs over her life.

Yes, I can still visit my mother; I can still attend to her needs, although that's very difficult because we can't figure out exactly what her needs are.

So I'd say that my siblings are endeavoring to practice what she's taught us:

"In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."  
Proverbs 3:6

May your life be filled with enough Sunshine 
to make you appreciate the Shadows