Friday, January 5, 2018

You call this a King's Cake?

Today is Epiphany.

Our Widows and Widowers group gets together for games the first Friday of each month.  So since today is Epiphany, how should faithful Episcopalians celebrate?  Have King's Cake of course.

So I did some research.  This is what a King's Cake looks like.  I could order one.  Not enough time.  I would go to Publix.

Except - with the cold and nasty weather, I never got to Publix to order it and since this is my first time to do anything like this, I really couldn't order online or even on the phone.  And then it was too late.

I would have to get creative.  

I was talking with my children about my project, explaining that the baby in the cake symbolizes luck and prosperity to whomever bites into a slice and finds it.

Our discussion led to the etymology of the word Epiphany.  Why is today called Ephipany and what does that have to do with one having an epiphany. So, I did some Wikipedia-style 

"When capitalized, an observation in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles...",

That would be why we often have an Epiphany pageant on this day.

'The word epiphany means a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature of the meaning of something."

It's like those times when we suddenly have an idea or a thought and wonder "why did't I think of that?"

So back to my King's cake.  As I walked through Publix - no King's cake in my basket, I kept wondering - what could I do?  Surely I was not going to show up at our game night sans cake/

And I bought a cake mix - one with sprinkles looked more festive.  But what about a baby?

And suddenly, I had an epiphany.  I got creative.  Here are some clues.   It's small and edible.  I looked for the size I enjoyed as a child I don't think they make that size anymore.  At least I could't find one.

I promise you that there is a baby (of sorts) in this cake.  A baby that one  of our widows or widowers will chump down.  And next year that person can purchase the King's Cake.

Happy Epiphany.

May your life be filled with enough sunshine
 to make you appreciate the shadows