Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Do you wanna build a Snowman?

Today is my "little" sister's birthday.  Cynthia Faye Huffingham was born on this day.  'no need to give you the year.

In the Holiday Classic, WHITE CHRISTMAS, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen sing a great song about Sisters - and what we share.  Cindy and I don't share much when it comes to material things.  If you know us you know that she is tall and I am not.  She still likes to make dinner.  I like to make reservations.  She likes babies.  I prefer the elderly.  We both like the beach, rock and roll music and because of the love instilled in us by our father ...the Florida Gators.

One of my earliest memories is a ride in an ambulance, across the Main Street Bridge on a crisp January day when we were "bringing Cindy home."  Isn't that odd - bringing her home in an ambulance?

Another memory is the time she came running in the house after a fall from her bicycle.

"Pray, Paula, pray," she cried.  "I just know it's broken."

It was.

There have been many times in our lives as sisters that we have had to do just that...

Pray, pray, pray.

We have shared happy times - marriage, the birth of babies, our parents 50th anniversary, and our mother's 90th birthday.  And one of the happiest was the day I married Rich Suhey.

We have shared sad times - miscarriages, the end of my marriages (one by divorce; one by death) the passing of our daddy and of course, when she lost her precious grandbaby, Blakelie.

There were two prints that hung in family kitchen for many years.  One was a blonde peeling an apple, one a brunette with a pencil over her ear.  My mother said that was a perfect description of the two of us.  She was always working and I was always thinking. 

When my second child, Renee, was born, one of the first things I reaIized was that Becca now had what I have loved...a little sister.  My daughters
have carried on that same "you laugh, I laugh; you cry, I cry" attitude. And now I have two sets of grand-daughters - Abbie and her little sister, Allie and Grace and Reagan.

When we were sharing some information about a friend who had lost her little sister, Grace was quick to say- "Reagan gets on my nerves, but I would not want her to not be here."

That's exactly right - "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there. 

PS Don't have a sister?  Well, I'm not giving you mine.  But I would encourage you to find a friend who accepts you as you are, who prays for you, who shares what they have ...and no matter what you do - will still be there".   Cindy and I both have a few of those and for them - we are truly grateful.