Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What was found

If I lose it, usually I find it.

Sometimes it takes longer than I wanted, but most of the time, just when I least expect it - the item I have lost shows up.

And it doesn't just happen to happens to my sweet mother.

Her latest visit to the Baptist South included me looking in her purse for her wallet and not finding it.

That wallet was "lost" for a month.  We feared it had been stolen, Had that happened the thief would have garnered one dollar and some change and medical cards, a Social Security card and an identification card - oh and the list of medicines she takes and maybe her emergency contacts.

The wallet showed up in a different purse.  She had forgotten that she changed purses the week before we took her to the hospital.

We were delighted - mostly that it hadn't been stolen.

That was a good find but a better one was when she lost her hearing aide remote control that helps her hear what she needs and tone out what she doesn't need - the noise in a crowd.

That one was an expensive loss.

But like others, it showed up just when we least expected it.

Yesterday I looked for some extra keys and found the extra garage door opener I had been missing for a few days.  I also found the keys.

AND today - weeks after I had lost it - I found the link to my blog.

So once more I can write.

And, dear reader, aren't you the lucky one?

And aren't I sarcastic?

Lots of changes have occurred in my life since I last posted on April 16.  Two puppies added to our family - and one dog is gone.  I have a new job where although the builder boys in my family think I'm exaggerating, I am learning to build a house.   And most of all, I am still loving and appreciating the life I have.

As I have often said I think this is my mantra.

Thanks for reading . . .and may your life be filled with enough sunshine to make you appreciate the shadows!