Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pray, Paula, Pray

She was five and I was eight.

As was our normal way of living, she was outside playing and I was inside reading a book.

The front door opened with wails of "pray, Paula, pray -- I just know it's broken."

My little sister, Cindy, had fallen off her bike.

And so it was that the two of us began a lifetime of saying to each other "Pray...Pray...I just know it's 'whatever current calamity was in either of our lives.'

I thought of that as I waited for the doctor to return with the results of an X-Ray of my left foot.  The injury is a week old.  I should have gone to the doctor six days ago.  But you see I just had so much responsibility...

And if it were broken what then?  At first I felt frightened and then I realized what I really felt was discouragement.

And then I remembered this: 
My yard is a mess (and I am not exaggerating).  Every time I plan to work in it, I have something that seems more important and I think okay I'll do this...later.
But these lilies are a constant reminder of a verse I've been relying on since I was a child. "Consider the lilies of the field, how they toil and spin" from Luke 12.  That passage goes on to say that no one really tends to them, they just grow.  And that's sort of what's been happening to my lilies.
Even though I haven't taken time to work in what has been in years past a really pretty little garden, those lilies are a reminder to me to keep seeking God FIRST and trusting Him to put the pieces of my life in order.
If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times...when are you going to slow down?
I really don't want to slow down.
But this weekend as I sit with my foot propped up, in a lovely black boot and know that an orthopedic visit looms...
I have to "consider the lilies"and know that I'm really not in control...nor do I want to be...honest.
Oh and by the way...even though I prayed as she asked...Cindy's arm was broken.