Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Change their position

   How many times have you heard these words - "there is no time like the present?  The admonition of that question is that it's best to go ahead and complete whatever task is at hand.

   I recently enjoyed The Second Most Exotic Marigold Hotel.  There is no doubt in my mind but that I'll want to see it again and maybe again because when I go to a movie (especially one with lots of character actors) I seem to miss some of the best lines.  That would be one of the con's when determining if the book or the movie is better.  When one reads, it's easy (and doesn't cost any extra) to re-read.  That however, is not my goal as I put my thoughts into words, sentences and paragraphs today.

   Back to the movie.  Maggie Smith's wonderful character, Muriel, takes those words - "no time like the present" and changes their position -

   "There is no present like time".

   I am not going to spoil the movie for you - even though you probably can guess.  After all the guests at the Marigold Hotel have more memories than responsibilities.

   And in many ways what they have is TIME.

   Something Muriel is accepting as she would a present - a gift?  

   For my entire adult life I've been sort of like the white rabbit in the Disney presentation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland -  "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

   Even if I wasn't really late, I seemed to think a busy life was the better way to be. I think was equating self worth with the amount of work I could get done.

   Last year I went on a cruise.  It was a lovely "get away".  However, as I reflected on it for many weeks and months I would say "but it didn't have a purpose".

   I certainly was missing the truth I later heard from Muriel's mouth.  And truth be told, it's something I have a hard time really claiming.  You can't change a leopard's spots.

   Or can you?