Monday, October 13, 2014

Something Good


I am a hopeless romantic.

No surprise.

I love the musical, The Sound of Music.  That's no surprise either, is it?  I love it when the movie opens with Maria singing about the hills being alive with music, when she is on her way to her new assignment as a nanny "has confidence" and I really get it when the Mother Superior tells Maria that when God closes a door, He opens a window.

But I think my very favorite part of the movie is when Maria and Captain Von Trapp sing Something Good.

I recently read a pamphlet by Jay Adams, How to Handle Trouble. Published more than 30 years ago, it has been a reminder to me of a truth that I have known for many years – God is in the trouble.

A very simple synopsis of the story of Joseph as recounted in the book of Genesis tells us how   Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers and spent all those years away from home (including some time in prison for something he didn't do) was promoted to a position of responsibility where he was charged with distribution of grain when Egypt had plenty and Canaan was experiencing a famine.  Those same brothers came to him (not knowing it was their brother) because they needed grain.  Joseph recognized them but they had not a clue that it was their long lost brother - the one they sold.

While they were fearful, Joseph was kind.  "You meant it for evil but God meant it for good".


One of the chapters of the pamphlet is entitled God is up to something good.  The truth in this is that when we are in the midst of trouble, God is there.

Today I sit in my cute little house, I appreciate the fact that I have three grown children who love and serve God and are teaching their children to do the same.  I enjoy my life - from the ministry opportunities as a lay person to the time I spend in the workplace to the confidence I feel when I call myself a writer.  .

That said, this didn't come without lots of heartache or experiences that I considered to be EVIL.

And – full disclosure here - I didn't always view those trials and tribulations (at least they seemed to be tribulations to me) with the attitude that God is in the trouble.

I have a couple of friends who are in the midst of some very trying times.  My words to them that 'God is in the midst of your trouble' may seem ethereal to them.  And for me to say "God is up to something good" probably sounds like I have lost my mind.

However, it is my testimony and I can look back over my life and tell you unequivocally -

God is ALWAYS up to something good.